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A Note of Thanks

ed. note:I received an email the other day from Judy’s sister to thank us for all we did to place Bubba & Charlie together in the same home. She has given me permission to post that email for you to read.

This is dedicated in loving memory of Judy and her Giant Schnauzers Bubba & Charlie.

Dear GIANT Rescue,

I am the “Auntie” to Bubba and Charlie. Their original owner, Judy, was my sister.

When Judy became gravely ill and I didn’t know where to turn for help, I contacted Giant Rescue and the volunteers were our angels. They worked so hard caring for the boys, finding a permanent home, arranging transportation and loving them. The network of dedicated animal lovers was truly amazing and I don’t know what our family would have done without you.

This note is to thank all of you for the never ending work you do to help animals, specifically Giants. Judy loved her “boys” more than anything and I know she is smiling down from heaven knowing they are in a loving home with Billy and Donna.

I especially want to thank Kelly, Joan, Billy and Donna, for not giving up on Bubba and Charlie finding their forever home TOGETHER! I will never forget you.

In Sincere Gratitude,


P.S. Joan is an angel, but you probably already know that. I have a feeling there are flocks of angels at Giant Rescue.

P.S.S. If you weren’t aware, my sister had six dogs at the time of her death. Bubba, Charlie, Suki The Schnauzer and her two-6 week old pups and Pickles the Poodle, who was left at a grooming shop and the owner didn’t want her anymore!

I adopted Suki and had her spayed because she had two litters by the time she was 1 1/2! Poor thing. (My sister took her from the people that bred her). Judy’s friend, Rose, took in the two pups and raised them until they were 9 weeks old and then interviewed buyers and sold both of them. Pickles the Poodle went to a friend of a friend in Orlando and she is riding around on a golf cart at a senior center! (Pickle’s is pictured with Judy at Christmastime on the website)

I was determined to find good homes for ALL of Judy’s babies. Now that you know more of the story, you can understand even more how important your rescue group was to us. Thank you again. I’m going to try to check in to the webpage every now and then to hear more happy endings….I love happy endings.

ed. note: Thank you Brenda for this loving note to us.

Sheeba Update!

Kelly and Van have sent along some new photos of Sheeba. She looks absolutely beautiful!

We commented on the ear crop and wondered who decided to do them this way? I got to thinking that it reminds me of the way teens do their hairstyles now, short and punk.

Charlie & Bubba: Home At Last

It has been a long journey since March 10, 2010 for Bubba and Charlie. We can happily say that they are now “home at last.”

Since moving in with their new family they have enjoyed all the things that any well bred Giant expects: constant attention and all the couch time they can get.

Bubba, not to be outdone, takes over the couch position for his own.

In addition to regular meals the staff is also providing private massage services.

This house is owned and operated solely for the comfort and convenience of the SCHNAUZERS.

A big thank you to all the folks who assisted with this rescue. Judy’s family was especially helpful, along with many rescue folks. A GIANT thanks to the rescue Mom for providing a loving home and medical care. Thank you to our GIANT list members for donations to provide care . And most especially thank you to the new family for taking both Charlie and Bubba together. We know that Judy must highly approve of the care her beloved dogs have received.

Happy “Two” Mother’s Day

Bubba and Charlie arrived in their new home safely. We have it on good advice that they are allowed on the couch! Hope to have pictures of that soon.

In the meantime here is a picture of Foster Mom and New Mom with Bubba and Charlie at the airport. Looks like everyone is beaming with happiness. (Or is it the relativity collars beaming?) (Bubba says, you dunce it’s reflectivity.)


Ahhhh. The sun has finally come out. Get out the sunglasses. Bubba says “I am so cool.”

Time to see those really new collars in action! Hey Charlie! Show us us the bird’s eye view!

Check out the relativity! I’m smarter than Einstein.

Uh, Charlie… that is REFLECTIVITY not RELATIVITY.  I know the difference because… I AM SO COOL. Yuh, Bubba is COOL.

Charlie and Bubba are smart and COOL Giants. Please consider adopting them so you can have the COOLEST and SMARTEST dog on the block.

Please contact us.

Need Good Lovin

Alas, it is pouring rain here where Bubba and Charlie are being fostered. We wish we could show you a picture of both of them in their lovely new collars taking a walk outside, but all you would see is wet dog with a peek of fancy new reflective collars. So how about a look at the new collars???

Bubba and Charlie are still in need of good homes. They are being well cared for and get “good lovin” every day. Could you please consider making them part of your family? Any donations towards their veterinary care would be greatly appreciated. Contact Us, Please.